Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Astronaut Farmer

Normally i like space-oriented movies, but this was pretty lame overall.. It seems Billy Bob Thorton has turned into Kevin Costner.

In the unbelievable department, besides the obvious, i'm still wondering why the barn was still in existence after the first 'launch'. It should have been blown to pieces.

Ahh well.

I give it a 2. 2/10. I'm not even gonna bother with a 23 reference.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Who Killed the Electric Car

Most folks have prolly heard of this, it wasn't until a few months ago that i finally got around to watching it - i'd say make it an effort to check out.

A very interesting documentary on electric cars, and how they've been developed, and essentially successful, but the industries have stopped production, and failed to move forward at all.. There doesn't seem to be a conclusive answer why as well.

I feel it's really short-sighted of these companies -- we're going to run out of petrol, and the sun gives us a virtually unlimited amount of let's convert that to the 'fuel' we need for cars, and just about everything else.... My guess is oil co's have shut down all-electric cars (there are at least some plug-in hybrids on the way..)

Anyway, it's pretty despicable what some of the big auto companies have done. Check it out, i gvve it an 8.5.

Shrek The Third

I enjoyed Shrek, Shrek 2 i seem to recall enjoying more, and even laughing out loud numerous times. The third one seemed to lose all its charm.

There were some clever moments, but it seems like all the time in this movie went into processing pixels, not an interesting story...or at least sincerely funny moments.

I give it a '2x3'. ;)

88 Minutes





Anyway, this movie, tho not overly interesting or creative, still kept me thinking until the end, and managed to sustain my interest, despite it not being a typical movie i'd enjoy. I give it a 7. Worth a rental on a slow night i'd say.

The Number 23

I used to be a fan of Jim Carrey, but i think i'd have to say 'no more'....

While the idea is kind of neat for conspiracy theorists, you can apply it to just about any number. Seriously, pick any two-digit number, and you'll prolly start seeing it 'everywhere'. My own favorite is when a clock say 12:34. =)

Of course, it's not that this number is invading anyone's life, but that your attention is focused on it, and so it just *seems* to stand out.

Anyway, back to the movie.. It wasn't very good. The plot failed, as it became unbelievable rather quickly for me. I started to fidget, becoming impatient..could hardly wait for it to end.

It was sort of like The Da Vinci Code, but even more simplistic 'codes', and much less intrigue..not that i really enjoyed it too much either!

I give it a '5' (2+3 - aaak - it's got me!) Not really worth watching unless desperate.

Oh, and there's one nagging question for those who've seen it: why did she give him the book??? I supposed we'll have to wait for the sequel: Two Plus Three